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Trans Rights Priorities for the Biden Administration

Marking the publication of The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies, edited by Abbie Goldberg and Genny Beemyn, a 90-minute panel discussion featuring contributors to that pioneering work addressed priorities they have in ensuring the new U.S. president protects and advances trans rights. Given the amount of legislation attacking trans rights in state legislatures, the panel broadened its remit to look at the situation in statehouses and school districts, too.

The March 29 event, which can be viewed below, was sponsored by the University of Massachusetts Stonewall Center and 顶级国产视频鈥檚 Women鈥檚 and Gender Studies Program, and co-sponsored by UMass Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies and the Five College Queer, Trans, and Sexuality Studies Certificate. A second webinar, 鈥淭he State of Trans Studies in the 2020s,鈥 will take place on April 7.